24 Avr Winners of the 2019 Europe 40under40 Awards 2019
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Atelier CMJN est Lauréat du Prix EUROPE 40 UNDER 40 ® architecture and design award 2019
Europe 40 Under 40® Award est un programme annuel de récompense célébrant la nouvelle génération d’architectes et de designers européens de moins de 40 ans . Le programme vise à soutenir les concepteurs qui influenceront le futur proche du design, de la pensée, de la théorie architecturale et de la ville de demain.
We are happy to announce that Atelier CMJN was selected Winner of the 2019 Europe 40under40 Award , Announcing the Best Emerging Young Architects & Designers in Europe
Europe 40 Under 40® Award is an annual awards program that celebrates the next new talented generation of European architects and designers. The program is directed to support new and emerging design talents that will influence the near future of European design, thinking, and theory with the direct consequence of impacting future environments and future European and international cities.